In this section, you will learn how a management team can provide a supportive environment for the TJC model and increase the likelihood of it being institutionalized in your organizational culture.
Cultural change is unlikely to occur unless staff feel like they have control, power, and decisionmaking capabilities in the organization—not just in TJC issues but in all matters. An effective management team allows staff members from various parts of the organization to come together and make decisions by committee in concert with and with the authority of top level leadership. These activities are quite useful to gain the ideas of many regarding a large change initiative, such as a TJC implementation; perhaps equally important is the positive influence such activities have on organizational culture. Despite these realities it is also important that all involved understand that, ultimately, top-level leadership has the final responsibility for all organizational decisions.
An effective management team also employs key leaders from throughout your organization to participate in a shared vision and mission consistent with the tenets of the TJC model. With the assistance and full participation of the management team, top-level leaders can gain the support necessary to change policy and practice to realize the TJC model.
Members of the management team should be chosen for their interest in the process as well as their influence with people or groups who are part of the organization. By virtue of their involvement and demonstrated commitment to TJC implementation, they increase the interest and buy-in of their followers and give them a voice in the process.
Management teams are usually made up of members within the organization. By no means should this team be committed to “lock-step” agreement with the leaders; on the contrary, given that a management team represents an organizational group, the team must honestly evaluate all proposed TJC initiatives. As part of this evaluative process, the management team should feel empowered to question or “nay say” to assist in understanding the impact of TJC implementation on the organization or system.
The process of seeking consensus described above is integral to the viability of a management team; honest dialogue and solving difficult problems as a team increases the buy-in of management and shows other people in the organization how effective such a process can be.
1. Davidson County, TN Sheriff’s Office. Intranet website screen shot. A goal of this website is to enhance collaborative organizational communication, keep staff informed about current initiatives, and highlight staff successes.
2.Davidson County, TN Sheriff’s Office. 2009. An introductory communication letter to sheriff’s office staff explaining the TJC initiative and the importance of being a partner in the reentry process.
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