Module 1: Getting Started

Module 2: Leadership, Vision and Organizational Culture

Module 3: Collaborative Structure and Joint Ownership

Module 4: Data-Driven Understanding of Local Reentry

Module 5: Targeted Intervention Strategies

Module 6: Screening and Assessment

Module 7: Transition Plan Development

Module 8: Targeted Transition Interventions

Module 9: Self-Evaluation and Sustainability

Section 1: The Role of Data in a Reentry Effort

This section will help you learn how objective information or data can inform, improve, and refine your jail transition process.

Data can answer questions about

A data-driven approach to local reentry is the exact opposite of making decisions based on hunches, incomplete information, hunches, or a tradition of doing things in a certain way.

To begin, ask yourself

Accessing, collecting and analyzing local data are a first step to

For more information and examples from the field

1. The Council of State Governments. Report of the Re-Entry Policy Council.  Relevant information on developing a knowledge base of information, including (a) understanding who is being released from prison, and (b) identifying what state and local policies influence and govern reentry. It also speaks to data issues for multiorganizational reentry initiatives like the TJC.

2. Gail, Elias. 2007. How to Collect and Analyze Data: A Manual for Sheriffs and Jail Administrators, Washington, DC: National Institute of Corrections. A comprehensive discussion on data collection, management, and analysis.

3. Howard County, MD. Map of Zip Codes to which Howard County inmates are returning. This is a useful tool in visualizing the communities individuals from the Howard County Detention Center are returning.

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