Module 1: Getting Started

Module 2: Leadership, Vision and Organizational Culture

Module 3: Collaborative Structure and Joint Ownership

Module 4: Data-Driven Understanding of Local Reentry

Module 5: Targeted Intervention Strategies

Module 6: Screening and Assessment

Module 7: Transition Plan Development

Module 8: Targeted Transition Interventions

Module 9: Self-Evaluation and Sustainability

Reentry Revisited

Let’s revisit what we have learned so far in the Collaborative Structure and Joint Ownership module. Please answer the following questions.

1. Boundary spanners are individuals who can facilitate communication across agencies to coordinate policies and services:



2. Collaboration is

Holding other agencies accountable.

Selecting the agencies you think you can best work with.

Ensuring that other agencies follow your lead.

A nonhierarchical venture based on the sharing of power and authority.


Now that you have completed this module, you should be able to better understand the critical elements of the local partnering process, how to elicit representation from all appropriate segments of the community, define the roles and responsibilities of each partner, and clearly define procedures to hold each other accountable

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