Module 1: Getting Started

Module 2: Leadership, Vision and Organizational Culture

Module 3: Collaborative Structure and Joint Ownership

Module 4: Data-Driven Understanding of Local Reentry

Module 5: Targeted Intervention Strategies

Module 6: Screening and Assessment

Module 7: Transition Plan Development

Module 8: Targeted Transition Interventions

Module 9: Self-Evaluation and Sustainability

Section 3: Developing a Reentry Implementation Committee

In this section you will learn in more detail how to develop a reentry implementation committee made up of public and private agency and community-based organization representatives to increase the success of the Transition from Jail to Community model.

In most communities, agencies and organizations are already providing services to the criminal justice population. The issue is to what degree these services are being provided in a coordinated and collaborative way. This section will guide you through the development and promotion of a multidisciplinary reentry implementation committee, including jail staff, other criminal justice and human service agencies, and community-based organizations. A reentry implementation committee will allow your jurisdiction to jointly craft and carry out a jail-to-community transition strategy that maximizes the impact of available resources, improves individual outcomes, saves money, and delivers long-term public safety.

Click here for a TJC Leadership Profile on Jack Kavanagh, Director of the Howard County Department of Corrections in Howard County, MD.

The development and implementation of a reentry implementation committee requires the following key steps:

1. Select a TJC coordinator
2. Identify partnering agencies and interested stakeholders
3. Reach out to earn partner support
4. Convene the partnering agencies
5. Identify shared goals, principles, and outcomes of interest
6. Write a mission and vision statement
7. Document partner agencies’ resources and gaps
8. Develop common performance measures

The following sections discuss these 8 steps, though modules Data-Driven Understanding of Local Reentry and Self-Evaluation and Sustainability also discuss steps 7 and 8.

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